What is BASICSploit ?
BASICSploit is a primary homebrew entrypoint for the game SmileBASIC on Nintendo 3DS.
- SmileBASIC version 3.2.1/US. Only this version is supported for now, some others will surely be added later.
- A 3DS firmware between 9.0.0 and 11.0.0
- A little bit of patience
How to install BASICSploit
First time
- Download the latest version of the Homebrew Starter Kit: https://smealum.github.io/ninjhax2/starter.zip
- Extract it to the root of your SD card.
- Create a project named BASICSPLOIT in game.
- Create a new file named DOWNLOADER.
- Write by hand to the previous created file the downloader script corresponding to your version.
- Make sure you're connected to the internet and launch the script. It should download all the necessary files and then run the in-game menu.
- Once the in-game menu is open, choose the "Download/Update" option to download the hax payload.
- Once the payload is downloaded just launch it with the first entry of the menu.
Second time
- If you already downloaded the files with the downloader, launch the script named BASICSPLOIT. This should run the in-game menu.
You can find here the different scripts for the different versions of the game :
- smealum - HBL/*hax payload/ROP build system base
- All the testers :)
- The SmileBASIC source community for discovering the RAM bug